Since ancient times, storytelling has been around us; first, they were told by paintings on the cave walls, and ever since, there is a trend of storytelling. But have you wondered what story writing is? Story writing is based on reality or fictional events that start with a beginning, middle, and end. The story consists of involving two or more fictional or reality-based characters and includes some activities.
In this blog, we will let you know how to successfully write a story with tips about story writing also. Our tips are helpful for beginners and published authors.
Short story writing is based on fictional stories that are written below 20,000 words. A short story consist of 1000 to 1500 word whereas above 20,000 words are known as novellas. Short stories are written for magazines, books, and newspapers. A short story is written with small characters or commonly just one character. A limited time in which the story took place before few days or few weeks. It can be fictional based or on an actual event, which is exciting. It is written in one plot without subplots, and longer short stories do have a subplot. In the majority of countries, the competition is held for short stories as compared to novels.
A Creative story is a type of writing where the story is based on the creativity by using fascination, uniqueness and creativity to provide compelling written visuals with emotions attached to it such as in poetry writing, short story writing, novel writing, and more. The creative story is written on senses and emotions to provide a realistic visual in the reader’s mind; however, the other forms of writing only provide information and details instead of feelings.
To have knowledge about how to write a story is a robust skillset. Humans are attracted to stories. People are more interested in knowing how a person saved the day from a copier jammed with just duct tape and a few paper clips.
There are three major types of writing stories,
The Short Story
The Novel
The Life Story – Biography or autobiography
Write a short story on theoretical concepts that are not real. Mostly short stories for kids are written on fictional ideas. These stories are published in newspapers, magazines, or books. The short story ideas are hard to find, but when you pay attention to everything that’s going around you. A short story is based on a series of small characters with just one main character a sequence of characters. Short stories are written within a limited time frame or took place over a few days or weeks.
A novel is written on a fiction based story, which is more than 60,000 words or even longer. A typical novel is written with 80,000 to 150,000 words. It is dependable on the genre. Short stories and novels have similar structural attributes; however, the author of a novel provides extensive exposure to the story. A novel has more characters and includes a full cast. Its time frame is unlimited and can be written in any century or decades. It has more than one subplot. Novels are more popular among the younger and adults than short stories, and most full-time authors are novelists.
A life story is based on an actual event that took place. Although it has some relevant features of a fictional story. Life stories are written as a biography. It is either written for you, or you write it yourself. Most journals are lengthy, and authors write about their own personal life experiences for the public eyes, including articles, magazines, or newspaper publishing. There are also readers for the “True Life” stories in the magazines, a particular column is usually dedicated, which is explained in a story way.
Short story or novelists are often questions, where do you get your creative writing story ideas? The answer is ” From Everywhere. ” Many innovative writers have believed they wait until an idea comes to them, but developing ideas on your own is more fun.
1- Pay attention to whatever is going around you, and it might provide you an idea of a story.
2- Write things down and jot them until you get an exciting story out of it.
3- Events are not stories. To make it exciting, you have to add “What if, “it helps bring suspense, thrill and bring out the reader’s interest.
Developing a story is no longer harder. There are many stories online available for people through e-magazines and are in demand by the readers.
In narrative story writing, a story is developed on a personal experience written with a point. It is not about entertaining but also set forth on the essential of the individual experience. Narrative stories online are most famous among adult people. Narrative writing is a story with characters, disputes, and other vital factors of a story. A narrator is writing the story based on an actual event with an important point proven. Narrative story online is available through e-magazines.
Many students are searching for assignment help on story writing. We hope our information was enough to help you.